Essential information for end of life vehicle dismantling, depollution and recycling

AutoDrain L

Don’t be frightened to embrace EV batteries

Jan Tytgat

Whilst at the Vehicle Recycling International Summit in Munich at the end of October, ATF Professional listened to a variety of presentations, one of which was given by Jan Tytgat, Director of Government Affairs EU-Benelux, Umicore. The talk was entitled ‘EV Battery Recycling: Technology Challenges and Regulatory Hurdles’. After his presentation, a Roundtable discussion ensued, Jan mentioned some key points regarding not just the fears surrounding EV battery recycling but how the lifecycle of a vehicle could decrease by half; items we wanted to highlight to help better understand how these will affect the vehicle dismantling industry.

Of interest was a statement that we should not be frightened of embracing the EV battery and how we faced similar when cars were first introduced and people ran flags before them to warn others of their approach. He said this in the context of transport regulation of ‘retired’ and ‘end-of-life’ batteries. Everyone with a driving license can transport batteries in an EV. But once those batteries are removed and sent for refurbishment or recycling, they are considered as ‘dangerous’ and you need special ADR drivers license. In some member states, they are considered as ‘hazardous waste’, requiring notification and permits of country of sender, receiver and transit countries. This is not normal and hankers for the breakthrough of a technology we need for our energy transition. We should not be afraid of it, but manage the risks. 

Something else that came up was how the lifecycle of a car could alter from 16 to 8 years, which if true, would have a great impact on the vehicle dismantling industry. He pointed out that this was an idea which has come from a preceding idea: that we should learn to use materials more intensively. He went on to give a figure that today, a car is used only about 5% of the time (15000 km/year @ 50 km/h = 300 hours = 14 days). If we are to believe how cars are to be used in the future, for example, if we shared cars resulting in double average mileage, we could have the same mobility with only half of the tonnage of materials in the streets and along the curbsides. This would NOT be a threat to car manufacturers or material suppliers, as the lifetime would be shorter (from 16 years today to 8 years in future). The total amount of cars to produce and to recycle would not increase, but they would rotate faster. New technologies could be introduced faster and the material not in an idle stock in the society could be used for other, more useful applications.

Jan called for less legislation if it slows down innovation and productivity. He said that we need regulation to overcome the ‘activation energy’ that is needed to move away from a non-optimal situation of today towards a better situation in the future. For example, we all know that recycling is better than dumping, but we need incentives for the effort of collection, to develop appropriate technologies, to de-risk the investments in new business activities etc. In such cases, regulation can be a tool to support the transition – ‘incentives = carrot, regulation = stick’.

Jan raised some interesting points during this discussion, the last proving most agreeable to those who were in attendance.

If you have any comments to make on this article, please contact us at 



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Owain Griffiths

Owain Griffiths

Head of Circular Economy at Volvo Cars

Owain joined Volvo Cars in June 2021 to lead Circular Economy in the Global Sustainability Team. The company has committed to being a circular business by 2040 and has financial, recycled content and CO2 based targets for 2025, all of which Owain is working across the company to make happen. Owain previously worked for circular economy consultancy Oakdene Hollins where he advised businesses on evidence led circular economy implementation. 

Turning into a circular business and the importance of vehicle reuse and recycling.

The presentation will cover the work Volvo Cars is doing to achieve 2025 but mainly focus on the transformational work towards 2040 and the business and value chain changes being considered. Attention will be paid to the way vehicles are being dealt with at the end of life and the complexities of closing material and component loops. Opportunities and challenges which Volvo Cars is facing will be presented including engagement with 3rd parties and increasing pressure from stakeholders.

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e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management [e2e] is the UK’s only salvage and automotive recycling network with nationwide, environmentally compliant sites delivering performance resilience and service reliability to the insurance and fleet markets.  The network’s online salvage auction drives strong salvage resale values and faster sales.  e2e’s salvage clients have access to the network’s stocks of over 5 million quality graded, warranty assured reclaimed parts. 

The power of the network model means e2e has the ability to influence industry standards and is committed to continually raising the bar whilst redefining the role and perceived value of the salvage operator.  Network members adhere to robust service level agreements, against which they are audited, in order to ensure performance consistency and a market leading customer experience.  

The salvage and recycling operating environment is evolving rapidly, and e2e is anticipating, listening and responding to changing market needs.  Regulatory compliance, ESG, reclaimed parts, customer experience, EVs, new vehicle technologies, data and reputation risk are just some of many considerations linked to the procurement of salvage services.  e2e will drive further added value to clients and members through the adoption and application of emerging technologies, continuing to differentiate its proposition and position salvage services as a professional partnership. 

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