Cartakeback provides their latest scrap car price update for October 2020.
This month reported that, due to further COVID-19 related restrictions being announced throughout October across each of the countries in the UK, they were expecting some disruption to the value of scrap cars. However, October saw another increase for the sixth month in a row, with a 4% increase in prices compared to September, and an increase of 17% compared to October last year.
After six months of prices increasing to the highest levels this year, and lockdown restrictions in England due to come in from the 5th November, the run-up to Christmas will be uncertain.
Safely Collecting Vehicles
Despite COVID-19 restrictions, CarTakeBack scrap car recycling centres are still able to safely collect cars across the UK, following the latest Government guidance on social distancing and hygiene.
About the CarTakeBack Scrap Car Price Index
The CarTakeBack Scrap Car Price Index is a rolling monthly index covering the last 13 months. It’s updated monthly using the prices paid for scrap cars at CarTakeBack recycling centres throughout the UK. The prices are shown as a percentage, using the first month as the base price.
We’ve taken into account that cars come in all shapes and sizes, which has an effect on their scrap value, by adjusting the prices to show what the average car would be worth. This means that the index gives a great indication of the movement in the value of scrap cars from one month to another.
Visit for previous scrap car price updates