Essential information for end of life vehicle dismantling, depollution and recycling

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MotoFest ’24 – a new motoring extravaganza event launches in Hampshire

MotoFest ’24 takes place on June 15th, 11 am – 5 pm at the Silverlake Stadium, the home of Eastleigh Football Club. The motor show extravaganza has something for all the family on Father’s Day weekend, and tickets to this year’s inaugural event are £5 for adults, £1 for children five and over, and under-fives are free.


MotoFest ’24 - a new motoring extravaganza event launches in Hampshire p

Super cars and motorbikes will be on display, including private collections; classic cars, racing cars, electric cars and motorhomes, together with model ranges from all the regional dealers.  The Sherwoods Lounge and Hangar Bar at the stadium will be serving drinks and numerous street food stalls will cater for all appetites. An F1 simulator for ‘would-be racing drivers’ will add to the fun. An interactive play area for children includes a Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance helicopter simulator, a fire engine and Fire Fighters from Hampshire & IOW Fire and Rescue Service, who will also be demonstrating road rescue and extricating a casualty from a vehicle and Biffa refuse trucks for exploring.

Silverlake Automotive Recycling and Eastleigh Football Club have partnered to bring this community event to life and plan to make it an annual calendar ‘go to’ for the Hampshire region and beyond.  Funds raised by the event will be used to support the football club’s community activities, including the club’s charity, which makes football kit and training accessible to disadvantaged young people and supports pan-disability football in the region.

Allen Prebble, managing director at Silverlake Automotive Recycling, explains:

“MotoFest ’24 is all about bringing people in the region together for a fun day out and supporting the community with the funds raised. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a number of years – our business in Shedfield is built around automotive recycling and since my father founded the business 78 years ago we have environmentally processed end-of-life vehicles and witnessed the evolution in motor design and performance first-hand.

Where better to hold the event than at Eastleigh F.C., a football club that sits at the heart of the community? We have been stadium sponsors for the last 17 years and get heavily involved in community outreach with the club. The regional support and interest have been staggering, and we are looking forward to a day that will really put Hampshire on the map for this type of event.”

Tom Coffey, Vice Chairman at Eastleigh F.C., said:

“I am delighted that we have teamed up with one of our principal sponsors to put this showcase event on. As a community club, we are extremely excited to be part of this!  We are always trying to find alternative ways to attract a different audience to The Silverlake Stadium, and we feel there is no better way to do that than by hosting this event.”

Tickets for MotoFest ’24 can be bought in advance here

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Owain Griffiths

Owain Griffiths

Head of Circular Economy at Volvo Cars

Owain joined Volvo Cars in June 2021 to lead Circular Economy in the Global Sustainability Team. The company has committed to being a circular business by 2040 and has financial, recycled content and CO2 based targets for 2025, all of which Owain is working across the company to make happen. Owain previously worked for circular economy consultancy Oakdene Hollins where he advised businesses on evidence led circular economy implementation. 

Turning into a circular business and the importance of vehicle reuse and recycling.

The presentation will cover the work Volvo Cars is doing to achieve 2025 but mainly focus on the transformational work towards 2040 and the business and value chain changes being considered. Attention will be paid to the way vehicles are being dealt with at the end of life and the complexities of closing material and component loops. Opportunities and challenges which Volvo Cars is facing will be presented including engagement with 3rd parties and increasing pressure from stakeholders.

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e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management [e2e] is the UK’s only salvage and automotive recycling network with nationwide, environmentally compliant sites delivering performance resilience and service reliability to the insurance and fleet markets.  The network’s online salvage auction drives strong salvage resale values and faster sales.  e2e’s salvage clients have access to the network’s stocks of over 5 million quality graded, warranty assured reclaimed parts. 

The power of the network model means e2e has the ability to influence industry standards and is committed to continually raising the bar whilst redefining the role and perceived value of the salvage operator.  Network members adhere to robust service level agreements, against which they are audited, in order to ensure performance consistency and a market leading customer experience.  

The salvage and recycling operating environment is evolving rapidly, and e2e is anticipating, listening and responding to changing market needs.  Regulatory compliance, ESG, reclaimed parts, customer experience, EVs, new vehicle technologies, data and reputation risk are just some of many considerations linked to the procurement of salvage services.  e2e will drive further added value to clients and members through the adoption and application of emerging technologies, continuing to differentiate its proposition and position salvage services as a professional partnership. 

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