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Winning Irish Exporter of the Year, Combilifts CEO Martin McVicar talks about the journey into the Global Market

Combilifts CEO Martin McVicar talks about the journey into the Global Market


Winning Irish Exporter of the Year, Combilifts CEO Martin McVicar talks about the journey into the Global Market m mcvicar
Martin McVicar at Combilift
How It All Started

In 1998, Robert Moffett and I co-founded the business with a unique forklift concept. We designed a truck that could move forwards and backwards like any regular forklift but, at the flick of a switch, it could also travel sideways. Our first model, the multidirectional 4-tonne C-Series, is still in production 26 years later. Its innovation in long-load handling, which can be risky with standard forklifts, made the concept and its advantages easy to visualize and sell—even before we had a prototype.

We started in March 1998, and by July, we had completed three units for customers in Norway. I told my girlfriend, now my wife, that we were taking a week’s holiday to Norway. In reality, we were there so I could oversee the delivery of those first trucks. By the end of that year, we had produced 18 Combilifts, 17 of which were exported. From day one, exports were our primary focus, and as of today, they account for 97-98% of our business.

Transporting Large Goods

When you’re focused on exporting, minimizing transportation costs becomes a priority. Shipping efficiently is key, so from the start, we designed compact, multi-directional trucks that fit into containers, reducing freight costs. Our larger products, like straddle carriers, which can reach up to 14 meters tall, are designed like a Lego Meccano set, so after testing, they can be disassembled and shipped within containers. For oversized equipment, we use roll-on, roll-off shipping, where the vehicle is loaded in our yard and driven directly onto the ship and then off again at its destination. So far, we’ve never had a vehicle we couldn’t ship.

Winning Irish Exporter of the Year, Combilifts CEO Martin McVicar talks about the journey into the Global Market p two
Combilift Team
Navigating Export Rules and Regulations

When starting a business, ignorance of export rules can actually be a blessing—knowing too much might have discouraged us from pursuing the global market. The regulations we faced were diverse and complex, depending on the market, but strong customer relationships, and a bit of hand-holding, helped us navigate these challenges. Our customers often guided us through their country’s specific requirements.

Back in 1998, we were a team of 13 engineers and fabricators. Today, we have 850 employees, including an expert team dedicated to handling exports, so thankfully I no longer need to worry about the fine details. Our logistics team of over 30 people ensures that, from pre-delivery inspections through final testing and shipping, everything runs smoothly.

Global Support Network

Like any moving vehicle, forklifts need servicing to keep running efficiently. For Combilift, our route to market is through a global dealer network with skilled service engineers. We provide comprehensive in-house training and also offer service training in local markets. Having professional local service on the customer’s doorstep is crucial, along with rapid access to parts, and today Combilift has more than 300 dealer distributors around the world.

What Winning Exporter of the Year Means

Over the years, we’ve been fortunate to receive various awards, but being named Irish Exporter of the Year is a significant achievement. Competing with industries across the island, including large global manufacturers in sectors like pharmaceuticals and medical devices, was no easy task.

This award wasn’t just about submitting an application; It also involved two rigorous interviews in front of a panel of 14-15 independent judges from diverse industries. Winning this award shows that we’ve been recognized as a fully-fledged manufacturing company that truly exports globally. We don’t simply rebadge products—we design, fabricate, paint, and assemble our vehicles from start to finish before exporting them worldwide.

For Combilift, this recognition feels like winning an Olympic gold medal. It’s a stamp of approval that we’re doing, and continue to do, things right.

Looking Ahead

Like many entrepreneurs, Robert and I came from humble beginnings, growing up on a farm where hard work was essential. I was never given anything, and that work ethic has stayed with me. Today, we are in a strong market position as a debt-free, privately owned company with over €500 million in revenue. The only downturn we’ve experienced in the last 26 years was during the financial crisis of 2008/09; every other year, you have seen continued growth.

Innovation has been key to our success. Our team continues to design new, exciting products, which keeps us ahead of the market. That’s what really drives me—knowing that Combilift’s innovation keeps us moving forward.

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Owain Griffiths

Owain Griffiths

Head of Circular Economy at Volvo Cars

Owain joined Volvo Cars in June 2021 to lead Circular Economy in the Global Sustainability Team. The company has committed to being a circular business by 2040 and has financial, recycled content and CO2 based targets for 2025, all of which Owain is working across the company to make happen. Owain previously worked for circular economy consultancy Oakdene Hollins where he advised businesses on evidence led circular economy implementation. 

Turning into a circular business and the importance of vehicle reuse and recycling.

The presentation will cover the work Volvo Cars is doing to achieve 2025 but mainly focus on the transformational work towards 2040 and the business and value chain changes being considered. Attention will be paid to the way vehicles are being dealt with at the end of life and the complexities of closing material and component loops. Opportunities and challenges which Volvo Cars is facing will be presented including engagement with 3rd parties and increasing pressure from stakeholders.

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e2e Total Loss Vehicle Management [e2e] is the UK’s only salvage and automotive recycling network with nationwide, environmentally compliant sites delivering performance resilience and service reliability to the insurance and fleet markets.  The network’s online salvage auction drives strong salvage resale values and faster sales.  e2e’s salvage clients have access to the network’s stocks of over 5 million quality graded, warranty assured reclaimed parts. 

The power of the network model means e2e has the ability to influence industry standards and is committed to continually raising the bar whilst redefining the role and perceived value of the salvage operator.  Network members adhere to robust service level agreements, against which they are audited, in order to ensure performance consistency and a market leading customer experience.  

The salvage and recycling operating environment is evolving rapidly, and e2e is anticipating, listening and responding to changing market needs.  Regulatory compliance, ESG, reclaimed parts, customer experience, EVs, new vehicle technologies, data and reputation risk are just some of many considerations linked to the procurement of salvage services.  e2e will drive further added value to clients and members through the adoption and application of emerging technologies, continuing to differentiate its proposition and position salvage services as a professional partnership. 

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