Equipment Directory
If you belong to a company that provides equipment to the vehicle dismantling industry and would like others to find out about what you do, please contact ATF Professional.
Fuel Removal
Crow Fuel Removal
We offer a variety of solution all utilising our award winning fuel extraction tool which punctures rather than drills the tank and allows the operator to see the quality of the fuel before deciding how to recover it. For the small operator we offer a mobile kuli based solution, for the larger company we would recommend our pumping panel which sucks the fuel from the extraction tool and pumps it direct to storage tanks, clean fuel is filtered down to 5 microns and dried through our process filtration unit.
Fuel Extraction Tank Drill
The Complete Fuel Extraction Tool. Now available with an Additional Integral Quality Control option.
Perfectly suited to vehicle recyclers of all sizes and specifically designed to comply with environmental requirements. It’s simple design makes it easy to use and is the most efficient fuel extraction tool on the market today. Powered by air, it uses innovative boring technology to avoid any ignition source. Housed within a tough flexible rubber gaiter, the boring cone drills the tank, then recoils.
Iris-Mec PFT Air Operated Fuel Removal Tool
Drill & suction cap to drain fluids comprising of 2 air operated pumps ATEX certificated, and 2 air operated drills with a self-blocking system for the tank. The pumps operate automatically when the drill is lifted from its holder.