Equipment Directory
If you belong to a company that provides equipment to the vehicle dismantling industry and would like others to find out about what you do, please contact ATF Professional.
LPG Recovery
Crow LPG Processing
The only commercial LPG unit on the market, this unit first drains down the LPG tank by either flaming off the LPG or transferring it to a storage bottle. The tank is then purged with inert gas so that the tank can then be left open to atmosphere before sending for crushing. The unit can also be used to drain Propane and Butane bottles.
Green Car LPG Recovery
The Green Car LPG recovery unit is designed to safely recover LPG from vehicles to enable safe maintenance with easy to use controls.
With a capacity of 92 ltr (liquid state) this machine is designed to then pump the LPG back into the vehicles fuel tank or reuse on site fork lift trucks maximising of the investment. The tank and trolley are robust and this system transfers both liquid and gas with no naked flame making this a great safe solution.
Iris-Mec MRG Residual LPG Gas Recovery Unit
Equipment for making safe LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) fuel tanks from ELVs. THe LPG cycle drains the liquid part, it then safely burns off the residual part of gas, and it fills with nitrogen to make fuel tank safe for processing. In compliance with CE Directive.